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Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall Trustee Appointment

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We are delighted to announce our Managing Director, Emma Lloyd, has been appointed a trustee of Aldeburgh Jubilee Hall, an historic theatre hall nestled in a much loved seaside town in Suffolk. It’s a huge honour, especially at a time when the performing arts need to comeback strong from the setback of the virus and lockdown. 

The Jubilee Hall gained fame in 1948 when local resident Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears chose it as a venue for their Festival of Music & Arts. In 1960 the first-ever performance of Britten’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream was given in the hall and since then many notable opera premieres have taken place there.

Emma said, “Having worked with a number of not-for-profit organisations in the county over many years, I am honoured to be appointed a Trustee at one of Suffolk’s most treasured venues and look forward to helping develop the communications and marketing strategy of this very special charity.”

Emma Lloyd